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RM Buon Appetito Striped Napkin 2er


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Sie erkennen das Buon Appetito-Geschirr an seinem weiß-schwarz gestreiften Muster und natürlich an dem aufgestickten italienischen Schriftzug “Buon Appetito”, was “Guten Appetit” bedeutet. Die beiden Baumwollservietten sind ebenfalls mit einem schicken schwarzen Rand versehen.

Länge in cm 40
Material Baumwolle
Pflege Waschbar bei 40 °C.


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A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering