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Z RM Perfect Day A5 Notebook


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Heute ist ein perfekter Tag, so steht es auf der Vorderseite Ihres Perfect Day A5-Notizbuchs. Der perfekte Tag, um… seine Träume zu leben, wie der naturfarbene Stoffbezug verrät. Das Büchlein ist mit liniertem Papier, Lesebändchen und einem Gummiband mit Knopf versehen, um es vor neugierigen Blicken zu schützen.

Höhe : 2 cm

Länge : 21 cm

Material : Papier


A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering